Tuesday, Jul. 2 | |
08:15- |
Registration |
09:00- |
Karoly Bezdek: Karoly Bezdek (University of Calgary, Department of Mathematics and Statistics)
From non-separable arrangements to separable packings [Slides] [+] |
09:50- |
Zuzana Patáková: Zuzana Patáková (Charles University, Department of Algebra)
Fractional Helly property in separable convexity spaces [+] |
Coffee break | |
11:00- |
Gergely Ambrus: Gergely Ambrus (University of Szeged )
Laplace-Pólya integrals: the crossroad of analysis, geometry, probability, and combinatorics [Slides] [+] |
11:40- |
Barnabás Gárgyán: Barnabás Gárgyán (University of Szeged, Bolyai Institute)
Non-diagonal critical central sections of the cube [Slides] [+] |
Lunch break | |
14:00- |
Károly Böröczky: Károly Böröczky (Renyi Institute)
Almost optimal sphere packings in dimensions 8 and 24 [Slides] [+] |
14:40- |
Cameron Strachan: Cameron Strachan (The London School of Economics and Political Science)
The Illumination of Symmetric Cap Bodies [Slides] [+] |
Coffee break | |
15:30- |
Kinga Nagy: Kinga Nagy (University of Szeged, Bolyai Institute)
Random spherical disc-polygons and a spherical spindle-convex duality [Slides] [+] |
16:00- |
Alexander Natalchenko: Alexander Natalchenko (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT))
Packing density of sets with only two non-mixed gaps [Slides] [+] |
16:30- |
Krisztina Regős: Krisztina Regős (Budapest Univ. of Technology)
A two-vertex theorem for normal tilings [+] |
17:00- |
Wine and Cheese at conf. venue |
Wednesday, Jul. 3 | |
09:00- |
Louis Theran: Louis Theran (University of St Andrews)
Identifiability in persistent homology [+] |
09:50- |
Bernardo González Merino: Bernardo González Merino (University of Murcia)
Banach-embeddable diversities [Slides] [+] |
Coffee break | |
11:00- |
Alexander Litvak: Alexander Litvak (University of Alberta)
On the Rademacher projection in the non-symmetric case [+] |
11:40- |
Tomasz Kobos: Tomasz Kobos (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University in Cracow)
Convex bodies with the maximal Banach-Mazur distance to the Euclidean ball in dimensions two and three [Slides] [+] |
Lunch break | |
14:00- |
Máté Matolcsi: Máté Matolcsi (Rényi Inst.)
Linear programming bounds for problems in discrete geometry [Slides] [+] |
14:50- |
Vladyslav Yaskin: Vladyslav Yaskin (University of Alberta)
Answers to questions of Gruenbaum and Loewner [Slides] [+] |
Coffee break | |
15:50- |
Rainie Bozzai: Rainie Bozzai (University of Washington and University of Szeged)
Vector Balancing and Kernel Density Estimation [Slides] [+] |
16:20- |
Florian Grundbacher: Florian Grundbacher (Technical University of Munich)
Improving Inequalities on $k$-Dimensional Volume Extremal Ellipsoids Using Asymmetry Coefficients [Slides] [+] |
16:50- |
Tom Baumbach: Tom Baumbach (Technische Univarsität berlin)
Subspace Concentration Conditions and Cone-Volumes [Slides] [+] |
17:20- |
Gergő Almádi: Gergő Almádi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
On equilibria of tetrahedra [Slides] [+] |
Thursday, Jul. 4 | |
09:00- |
Edgardo Roldán-Pensado: Edgardo Roldán-Pensado (UNAM Campus Morelia)
On the colorful Helly theorem [Slides] [+] |
09:50- |
Dirk Frettlöh: Dirk Frettlöh (Univ. Bielefeld, Technische Fakultät)
Empty polygons in Penrose tilings [Slides] [+] |
Coffee break | |
10:40- |
Arsenii Sagdeev: Arsenii Sagdeev (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)
Variations of the Menger Embedding Theorem. [Slides] [+] |
11:10- |
Ji Hoon Chun: Ji Hoon Chun (Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät II)
Exact coverings with unit disks [Slides] [+] |
11:40- |
Kenneth Moore: Kenneth Moore (University of British Columbia)
Counting unit perimeter triangles [Slides] [+] |
Lunch break | |
14:00- |
Grigory Ivanov: Grigory Ivanov (PUC Rio)
A bit more on Colorful Carathéodory- and Helly-type results [+] |
14:50- |
Dömötör Pálvölgyi: Dömötör Pálvölgyi (ELTE and Rényi Institute, Budapest)
News on polychromatic colorings [Slides] [+] |
Coffee break | |
15:50- |
Nóra Frankl: Nóra Frankl (The Open University)
Monochromatic infinite sets in Minkowski spaces [+] |
16:20- |
Marek Filakovský: Marek Filakovský (Masaryk University)
(Extending) Embeddings of Simplicial Complexes and Linking Gadgets [Slides] [+] |
16:50- |
Péter Ágoston: Péter Ágoston (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)
Ordered Yao graphs [+] |
Friday, Jul. 5 | |
09:00- |
Jozsef Solymosi: Jozsef Solymosi (University of British Columbia)
Planar point sets with many similar triangles. [Slides] [+] |
09:50- |
Istvan Tomon: Istvan Tomon (Umea University)
Point-hyperplane incidences via extremal graph theory [Slides] [+] |
Coffee break | |
10:50- |
Ádám Sagmeister: Ádám Sagmeister (HUN-REN Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)
Some inequalities on reduced convex bodies in the hyperbolic space [Slides] [+] |
11:20- |
Lorenzo Sauras Altuzarra: Lorenzo Sauras Altuzarra (IMAR)
New results and questions on the geometry of numbers [Slides] [+] |
11:50- |
Owen Henderschedt: Owen Henderschedt (Auburn University)
On the number of points a given circle can cover a finite point set [Slides] [+] |
Lunch break | |
14:00- |
Attila Por: Attila Por (Western Kentucky University)
Generalisations of the Erdős-Szekeres Theorem [Slides] [+] |
14:50- |
Andrey Kupavskii: Andrey Kupavskii (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
Ramsey sets in Euclidean and maximum norm [Slides] [+] |
15:30- |
Shanshan Wang: Shanshan Wang (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Honeycomb Conjecture in normed planes [Slides] [+] |